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Approaching / Managing Retirement (45 - 75 Yrs)

Approaching / Managing Retirement (45 - 75 Yrs)

Project Details

Project ID
London EC3
20th March
2hrs 45m
Payment Method
Gratuities for participation in research projects will be paid by the specified method within 15 working days after the project is complete. Payments can be reduced or witheld in the event the tasks are not completed in accordance with the research instructions.
We have an interesting research talking to people that are current customers of M&G / Prudential for either a retirement or pension product.
All to currently hold an M&G / Prudential Pension or Retirement product (Evidence Required)
  • All to be aged between 45 - 75 Year
  • 45 - 54: Working - Early on in retirement thinking
  • 55 - 64: All to be actively planning their retirement
  • 65 - 75: Retired / Semi Retired - Started to draw down pension

This research is face to face in London EC3 on Thursday 20th March from 4:45pm - 7:30pm,  There will be a short homework task to be completed.

Please Note: Gratuities for participation in projects are generally made within 15 working days after the project is complete by the payment method listed above in the project details