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Everything you need to know about market research

What is market research?

Many companies and service providers, commission market research studies in order to improve products and services or to help launch new ones. They research the market place by testing their ideas, their products, their service, or a present or proposed advertising campaign, on a sample of the population.


Where is most market research conducted?  

Generally market research is conducted in the major cities around the UK as well as suburbs of the major cities.


What does iPoint Research do?

iPoint Research recruits respondents to make up the various small samples of the population that researchers require.


Why should I register with iPoint Research

If you, your friends or your children are interested in participating in market research you should register because it increases dramatically your chances of being involved. When we start any project we search our database for suitable participants and by being registered you can be included in all searches. This in turn increases your chances of being called about one of our projects and your subsequent participation in a focus group or other research activity.


Will my privacy be protected

We take data security extremely seriously and comply with the strict regulations of the Data Protection Act to ensure the security of your information. We will never sell or pass your details to any third party unless it is in connection to a research project that you have explicitly applied for and have been accept on.


How do I register?

You can register online at by clicking the register link at the top of this page.


Why do I need to provide so much detail about myself?

The more information you provide the easier it is for us to pre-qualify you for a job which means you are more likely to be invited to attend a research activity.


What are the types of market research activities?

There are many types of research projects using different methodologies - iPoint Research generally recruit for the following styles of research

  • Focus Groups - Generally 6 - 8 people taking part in a general discussion
  • 1 to 1 Interviews
  • Product tests and Product placement
  • Telephone Interviews
  • Online Focus Groups
  • Online Research Studies


Will I be asked to buy anything?

NEVER! To the contrary, you will be paid for participating in market research.  Incentives paid vary according to the type of research, the time required and the incidence rate of the particular product, service, conditions and qualifications.


Do I need to know a lot about the product or service?

Usually your exposure to or experience of a particular product or service is all that is required. When we call, you will be asked a series of questions (we call it a screener) that will determine your suitability. If you qualify you can rest assured that you know enough about the product or service to feel completely at ease in any research activity.


How much of my time will it take?

Your participation in a market research activity could be from 30 minutes to 3 hours, but is typically 1 to 2 hours. You will always be advised the time required before you commit to any participation. Incentives paid are commensurate with the time involved.


Do I get paid for participating?

Yes, the client will pay an incentive to you to compensate you for your time and travel.  Incentives are usually cash but could also be in the form of vouchers, cheques, money orders or products. You will always be advised of the incentive type and amount before you commit to any participation.


When are these market research activities held?

Research projects can be run at all times of the day and evening, and sometimes on weekends; but the most common times for focus groups are 6pm and 8pm Monday to Friday. You will always be advised of the session time before you commit to any participation.


Where are market research activities held?

Most activities are usually held at dedicated research facilities called research venues  or viewing facilities which are equipped with video and audio recorders as well as viewing rooms. Sometimes restaurants, hotels or clubs are used. You may sometimes be asked to do an interview at your office or home. You will always be advised of the venue, suburb or area before you commit to any participation.


Once I register what can I expect and what will I have to do?

When we receive a project we may use a number of methods to notify you of a prospective research study,

Direct Selection - We will search our databases for people that meet the criteria that the project requires. We may email you or call you to ask a series of questions to determine if you meet the selection criteria set by our client in relation to the product or service that our client wishes to research. 

General Email Release - We send these out with details of the research and a short synopisis of the type of people that we are looking to interview. If you feel you qualify and are available to take part then click the Register Me link in the email to complete a short pre-screener online.  This online screener will ask a few questions to determine your suitability.  If possible we will tell you at this stage if you do not qualify but it is not always possible until we view your answers.  If you do not qualify but know someone that does then by all means forward your email alert to them as they may be interested.

When we receive your pre screener answers If we feel you would be suitable we will then contact you usually by phone to confirm your details and complete a full questionaire to determine your suitability and availability.

If you do qualify, we will then invite you to attend a specific location, on a specific day for a specific time and for a specific incentive payment. Remember you are under no obligation to attend any activity so don't feel that you have to accept every invitation.  In fact, we would rather you declined immediately rather than accept and have to cancel at a later time.  If you are able to attend we will confirm you for the job immediately and reconfirm your attendance within 24 hours prior to the actual appointment. You will be expected to be at the venue 10 minutes prior to the appointed time. If you are late there is every chance that you not be admitted to the activity and therefore you will not receive any incentive.


Will my opinion make a difference?

Absolutely…..every opinion is important and your opinion could change the shape of a product, the quality of a service, the character in an advertisement or the colour of a car. Every day you make decisions about products and services that are available to you and researchers need to know what makes you decide; what influences you; what do you like and dislike; what impresses you etc.  Products and services are changed regularly as a result of market research and your opinion is vital to the companies that develop these products and services.


I have my children with me during the day, can I bring them to a research activity?

No… cannot bring children to any session as it will be disruptive for the other participants and the research. For legal reasons research venues do not provide child minding facilities. The exception to this is when your children are the ones participating in the research……in these circumstances they may definitely attend and will need to be accompanied by a parent or obtain parental consent depending on their age.


What happens if I cannot keep an appointment?

If for some reason you cannot attend an activity as previously arranged it is vital that you tell us as soon as possible. Your early advice will be appreciated so don’t be too embarrassed to call us and cancel as sometimes alternative arrangements can be made.  To cancel please phone the office that arranged the appointment for you.  Your invitation will have any specific contact details for such occasions.


Why haven't I been asked to any market research lately?

There could be several reasons why we haven't contacted you lately - for example:

1) The most common is that your particular attributes have not matched the specifications of our current jobs - your age, your suburb, your marital status, your occupation etc

2) You may have already attended a group recently and are therefore ineligible to attend another group within 6 months. (This is to prevent groupies or professional market research participants).  Even if you have attended a group you are still eligible for interviews or product tests etc

Whatever the reason rest assured that your registration is still active and we will call you as soon as we have a matched assignment.


Can my family and friends also join the iPoint Research Database?

They sure can!  We encourage people from all walks of life and ages to join our database by registering online at